Automated Stored Procedure Parameter Logging in SQL Server

-- Create a test DB CREATE DATABASE [testdb]; go -- Switch the DB context USE [testdb]; go -- Create a basic logging table CREATE TABLE dbo.sp_log ( id BIGINT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), proc_name NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, execution_time DATETIME NOT NULL, params NVARCHAR(max) NULL ); go -- Create a sample target SP that accepts a couple of parameters CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Test_proc] (@param1 VARCHAR(50), @param2 VARCHAR(50)) AS BEGIN -- Whatever your other stored procedures do goes here. -- Just selecting the params back out as an example. SELECT @param1, @param2; END; go -- Create the helper proc to handle parsing of sp and its param values CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Sp_helper (@args NVARCHAR(max)) AS BEGIN -- Figure out where the SP name ends and the params begin DECLARE @paramstartpos INT = Charindex('||', @args, 1) + 2; -- Set the SP name DECLARE @sp_name VARCHAR(50) = Substring(@args, 1, @paramstartpos - 3); -- Set the param list DECLARE @param_list NVARCHAR(max) = Substring(@args, @paramstartpos, Len(@args) - @paramstartpos) -- Declare a table to hold the params and populate it with the parsed values that were passed DECLARE @params TABLE ( parameter_id INT, param_value NVARCHAR(255) ); INSERT INTO @params SELECT Row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) AS parameter_id, value AS parameter_value FROM String_split(@param_list, '|'); -- Line up the expected params for the target SP with the values that were passed to the helper proc DECLARE @paramvalues TABLE ( sp_name VARCHAR(255), param_id INT, param_name VARCHAR(255), param_value NVARCHAR(max) ); INSERT INTO @paramvalues SELECT pr.NAME AS sp_name, p.parameter_id AS param_id, pm.NAME AS param_name, p.param_value FROM sys.procedures pr JOIN sys.parameters pm ON pr.object_id = pm.object_id JOIN @params p ON p.parameter_id = pm.parameter_id WHERE pr.NAME = @sp_name; -- Put the params in a SQL string for logging and to be passed later during execution of the target SP DECLARE @sqlparamlist NVARCHAR(max) = Stuff((SELECT ',' + ( param_name + '=' + '''' + param_value + '''' ) FROM @paramvalues FOR xml path('')), 1, 1, ''); -- Log the execution INSERT INTO dbo.sp_log SELECT @sp_name, Getdate() AS execution_time, @sqlparamlist AS params; -- Declare the target SP execution code with the proc name and passed params DECLARE @sqlcmd NVARCHAR(max) = (SELECT 'exec dbo.' + @sp_name + ' ' + @sqlparamlist); -- Execute the target code EXEC Sp_executesql @sqlcmd; END; go -- Execute the sample SP with logging EXEC dbo.Sp_helper 'test_proc||testing...|testing2...';


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